Teaching young adults how to stay healthy, motivated, and live a life of "wealth."

When you think of a happy life, what do you think about? For most the answer is health, wealth, and happiness. What many don’t realize is that these values are all considered “wealth,” and they break down into four main types:

  • Financial wealth ~ money
  • Social wealth ~ status
  • Time wealth ~ freedom
  • Physical wealth ~ health

A healthy and balanced life incorporates all four types of wealth, while placing a special emphasis on your freedom and health.

Not being bound by any constraints is true freedom.

Health and Wellness

Financial Wellness

 Blog Posts

20 ways to eat plant-based on a budget in 2020

Let's raise a toast to 2020. It's the new year, a new decade, and it marks the perfect time for sustainable transformation in our lifestyles. And the best way to guarantee sustainable transformation is by adopting a balanced and plant-focused diet.  But isn't eating a...

“Action is the foundational key to all success” – Picasso

Too often people are nervous to make big decisions, so they wait for the “perfect moment” to begin changing their lives. I have struggled with this feeling countless times and the advice that has helped me greatly is ~ don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.

They Say I'm "Coconuts"

As a twenty year old college student, people are surprised to hear that I have been following a plant-based diet and lifestyle for the past eight years. Let me introduce myself, my name is Chris D’Andrea and I am plant powered student.

Not only has living a plant-based lifestyle provided me with tools that helped me overcome chronic disease, but it also helped me discover my passion for health and personal wellness.

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